Monday 2 June 2008

"Online Offshore Sports Betting"- Why is it so Popular? and How You Can be successful with it?

Offshore Online Sports betting is an incredibly easy way to make a living and hugely profitable if you do it right. You can do it from the comfort of your own home with the only expense being how much you put in your account. You have the entire world's markets available to you, all ready to be traded and beaten using a good system.

The beauty with betting exchanges and Sportsbooks has to be the fact you can place bets in other countries or venues all around the country your in. A lot of people take it for granted now and don’t realize how beneficial it has been to their success.

You can place bets and trade almost all day till the small hours of the next morning if you so desire, on just about every conceivable market. A typical day here in the UK consists of Australian markets in the morning, UK markets in the day, American markets in the evening right through the night.

This is so great if you do Sports Betting Full-time, because you can essentially drop-in and make money, whenever you feel like it. If you want X amount of money by this time, to go and buy something later in the day, you just drop in the markets, and start placing some bets.

All Events are very close together, about 5-10 minutes apart from each other, now in real world terms I’m not exactly going to fly to Australia or all over America to place a bet, that’s just ridiculous. It would involve a days worth of flying, plus fuel cost, hiring car, place to stay etc- you get the idea and if I went to Sports event in the UK, I will only have the chance there and then to try and make some money, and have no possible way of wagering on other events in the UK. Plus the bookie's want back a huge amount of your winnings. If I went to a high street bookmakers I may be able to place bets on national events, but again they would want a huge chunk of my winnings. You can’t trade at these places either.

If I have a good system and the knowledge of trading behind me, I would rather sit at home with a nice cup of tea and use a betting exchange or Sports Book to place bets and make a lot of money that way. I have the events the world over just a click a way at any time of the day. No cost for entering the event, No huge amounts of money needed to win, No bookies and middlemen take a “percentage” of your winnings. Just pure profit and money earned.

Sports Betting Champ Allows you to do this

Thursday 15 May 2008

"NBA Betting Lines"-A Clear Explanation Of Sports Betting Lines,This Covers NBA,MLB And Other Sports

NBA Betting Lines

When your researching your Sports Betting picks for the day you will notice all the sports books, and betting exchange websites use “Lines” to separate each of the teams. The NBA betting lines dictate which team is the under dog and which team is the favorite for that particular match.

The two important terms that you need to look out for and understand are the betting line, and the money line. While they mean the same thing, it’s the manner in which they are used. This is where you learn how to make money by properly understanding the betting lines.

A normal betting line is the current odds or point spread of a particular event. At a glance this will tell you what team is predicted to win, which is all good but you will need to use your own research from there, by looking at the spreads of the team you intend to wager on in previous games, if it’s inconsistent then you should probably avoid it. However if the underdog is showing a consistent rate and a few wins previously this could be a great one to wager on as the profit will be far greater should it win.

The other NBA sports betting line is a money line, these are the odds created by the weight of money, this is usually again always in favor of the favorite team because more people expect the favorite to win. If a lot of people are wagering the underdog as well, this will unbalance it, and also bring the price down considerably. You should seriously study this against the normal sports betting line that is dictated by the odds. Maybe a lot of people know something you don’t. Again research is crucial.

The money line is a prediction of what you put on, the odds expressed in terms of money. For example, if you put £10 on a team with odds of +5 that will be a £50 profit should the team you predicted win, if it’s -5, it will say what you need to lay to get the same £50 if that’s what you want to win.

The best sports Betting System can be found here: Sports Betting Champ

Wednesday 14 May 2008

"NBA Betting Formulas"-Is There a Difference Between a NBA Sports Betting Formula or Betting System

I had a close friends recently tell me about Sports Betting Formulas, and I was there like, you mean systems right?...he was intent on it being a formula. So I Just left it to him to explain it to me, and in my mind I was like he really means he’s found a betting system.

Then it just dawned on me that quite a few Sports betting systems I have looked at are based on theories, numbers and statistics then put together as a “system” for us. What they have done is bypass all the mathematics involved and made it idiot proof formula for the customers to use. This way the customers happy and the creator of the system is happy because he gets to keep the money he’s made from selling his system. The world is all good.

Since it’s put together as a system for us, the public, all the numbers and equations are hidden behind words and explanations, half time it doesn’t cross our mind that what we are interpreting and apply to our sports bets’ is really a formula when you summarise it. It’s often something like this:

Do this > look for this > do that > if it’s all good = expected result

So however you look at it and think about it, at the end of the day it’s the same thing, just two different ways of interpreting it, two very different ways at that. For the smarter among us- fairplay to you, you will understand the numbers and funky symbols better than the rest of us. But I have to say, thank god for systems.

NBA and mlb betting system

Tuesday 13 May 2008

"Sports Betting Affiliates", Choosing the right Sports Betting Affiliate Programs

The Best Sports Betting Affiliate Program
Since the internet has been growing and becoming more mainstream, it has gave birth to many new industries, become a wealth of information and created some very lucrative and highly profitable businesses. The once upon a time, niche and big past time of Sports Betting has fast become the most profitable and serious way of making money, now there is so many systems and affiliate programs that have made sports betting a billions of dollars a year industry.

Sports Betting affiliate programs offer some the most generous payouts of all affiliate programs on the web, some offer a decent pay rate when you make a sale, some offer a monthly recurring payment, as long as the person they referred stays in the program, and others more uniquely and interestingly offer a commission of the referrals winnings.

This has really created some stiff competition among all the sports betting programs, and it has also paved the way for a lot of fraudsters since they’ve seen many windows of opportunity to cash in on this lucrative market.

If you see a very tempting sports betting product to buy or join as an affiliate and promote, you must google it first. Look for the authors or creators name and google that. Go to you tube and see if anyone has posted up videos about the system or product. Do an IP address check and see if the webmaster is contactable via the email addresses, and receptive to whatever you contact them saying. If your looking in an affiliate directory, make sure they are reputable as well.

Somewhere like Click bank or affiliates directory are reputable and have standards, rules and checks in place to make sure the affiliate program is worthy of their directory.

When you finally find a decent sports betting program or system, and are very sure you can market it profitably, it might be worth buying it first just to be sure. This also provides you with something to write about as well.

One more point worth noting, is make sure they have some money-back guarantee, because while a vast majority of betting systems do work they aren’t for everybody.

As seen On click bank, Sports betting Champ is the best affiliate program

Monday 12 May 2008

"Calculating Sports betting probabilities"-Sports Betting Probabilities explained

Betting on sports to win and profit is everyone’s objective at the end of the day when putting their hard-earned money down on a team, player or sports series in general. Calculating Sports betting probabilities yourself is possible and profitable; you just have to be prepared to put the effort in to reap the rewards.

Odds show the implied probabilities, an indicative way a game is going to go, or the chance a team or player is going to win. No matter how you interpret it the odds are the same internationally you just need to know the conversions. Odds of 6/1 are the same as us odds of +600. Internationally this is seen as a decimal of 7.00. If your using betting software or a betting bot the chances are this will be in decimal format.

When calculating sports betting probabilities you need to remember that the odds are heavily based on the team statistics, results from previous games and individual players. If a first rate team is going up against a lower ranked team, the odds are going to be heavy on the first rate team since they are expecting them to win.

Since they are only figures you will also need to keep in mind things such as the weather, where they are playing, who’s on top form, previous performances on that pitch and how they’ve done against that team in the past. The figures give you a good heads up of the way it’s going to go.

Using the figures as a guideline, you should then figure out for yourself which way the game is going to go. If you think Team A have a good chance of winning and the bookies and betting exchanges don’t it’s worth staking a small amount on that team because the odds will be high. This is a far smarter move than putting a big amount of money on a team that is favored by all the bookies and exchanges at really low odds. Both will have a similar profit margin, but putting a small amount on higher odds will mean a smaller liability should it go wrong.

A Ground Breaking System to back this up-------> Sports Betting Champ

"Sports Betting Portals"- The Sports Betting Portal Is no Longer a Mystery

I have been asked numerous times what sports betting portals are, as far as I’m concerned it’s just a fancy name for an online betting exchange or a way to bet online.

A lot of Bookmakers have coined the phrase sports betting portal, since it’s a far more catchy way of saying online betting. It generally sounds more intriguing to. They will usually tell the punter about their sports betting portal when they are actually in the book makers, or they have a few computers setup hooked up to their website allowing the punter to do overseas bets in somewhere like Australia or USA much more easily. If you have a look around a high street bookies website, you’re probably more likely to find this phrase on their site, rather than a big betting exchange such as Betfair or World Bet Exchange.

When it comes down to choosing your “Sports Betting Portal” your probably best to stick with the top online betting exchanges. The Online Betting Exchanges don’t take as much of your money as the high street bookies, and they also encourage arbitrage and trading so it works out more profitable for the punter in the long run.

The top betting exchanges are Betfair, Betdaq and World Betting Exchange, they all give you a starting bonus and have a forum where some of the top traders and professional bettors go to explain and discuss tips and betting systems. They are also always there to help out the newbie.

Just remember, a sports betting portal is a betting exchange worded differently, I hope this has killed some confusion for you

Heres a Statistically based system that will allow you to have a step ahead in the Betting exchanges: Beat The Betting Exchanges

Sunday 11 May 2008

"Sports Betting Stats Systems"

Sports Betting Stats Systems
making accurate Bets on sports can involve alot of in depth research. The best way to go about it though is looking at the stats of all the teams and players,for those that want to make a good bit of money, smartly and statisically betting on
sports, listen up.

A players statistics involve the players downfalls, strenghts, how they've performed in this season so far and previous seasons from a few years back. When looking at the stats to make a good calculated bet you really have to watch out for newbies. When a player is new to either a professional, or college league or series. There stats should indicate this. It is very hard to make accurate predictions from there. This will have a big impact on the rest of the team so watch out for that.

If the team has some bad players, theres a good chance this will have a knock on effect to the rest of the team, even if there is a few elite players in the team. This is heavily dependant on the spread of the game. The spread is the number of points a team has to score from the predicted score of the game. the most common spread is usually ten or fifteen points. If the person that bet on them is within the spread, but the team loses, they will not win any money, but they also won't have made a huge loss either. When doing your research bare in mind that the stats are very influential when it comes down to the way the game is going to go. Don't fall in to the trap of seeing a team that has several great players and a very narrow spread. This really is a 50/50 chance of winning. However, should the team do better than a spread they will not lose money, but they will not win any either.

If your considering doing statistical research, it would help if your in to the game, because it can be a very tedious and very hard to do, it would help if your pretty good with numbers aswell. It is a good way to make some decent money and
very rewarding when you succeed.

Revolutionary Statistically based Sports Betting System here------->Sports Betting Champ