Wednesday 30 April 2008

"Sports Betting Strategy"

For all the newbies to sports betting out there, or to the expierienced and desperatly seeking different ways to make money betting on sports, maybe your someone looking to make more money for little time at home and not even into sports and dont really care to much about it, like me i guess. You have come to the right place.

It’s a little known fact about how people are become seriously wealthy betting on sports, alot of the time, successful bettors cover it up by saying they are a financial investor or trade on the stock markets, accountant or something along those lines. Simply because if they told anyone what they were really doing to make so much money, they probably wouldnt be taken seriously.

The most lucrative of them all has to be NBA Basketball, alot of serious sports bettors who have had limited success in the past have found their fortunes in betting on nba games. NBA games are probably the easiest games to make money on since the game gives the punter many oppertunities to place bets and win, right up till the very end of the match making it incredibly popular within the sports betting community.

A few hints here for successful NBA betting, don’t bet on every game your favourite team is in, because that is a guaranteed way of losing your money, do the research first, know your team, know the court they are playing on. If they are playing on the oppositions home court, there is a good chance they will lose, because phsychologically and physically the players are going to do more to win on their home turf. Its a matter of pride and respect for them, elsewhere this is not as strong. As much as you may love and support your team to win till the end, if you know they are going up against a very hard team that they have had little success with in the past, DO NOT risk your money there, theres a good chance you will lose it. However if your considering betting on a losing team, while all the sites and tips say they are going to lose, study the spread, if it looks promising, it’s well worth putting a little bit of money on. Be wise in your decision and this could net you a nice profit at the end of the game.

To learn more about nba betting and sports strategy visit this site and witness a revolutionary, phenomenol NBA betting system, 97% win rate

Don't Forget To Check Out The Videos Here--->
Sports Betting Champ Videos

NBA Betting site here--->
Sports Betting Champ

Tuesday 29 April 2008

MLB Statistical betting system

I was thinking of making this a top tips post… well that has kind of fallen by the way side. I don’t know about you but I would rather be told exactly what to do and abide by a few rules to make an accurate bet on a team that is going to win or lose.

How does a statistically proven 97% win rate sound to you? Is that good or would you rather ignore this?

In my right mind I certainly wouldn’t as a lot of people are making good money with this, they have even put videos on YouTube to show how pleased they are with it. In fact so many videos from people that have got this system, the creator, John Morrison, has had to create a special page for all of them since he’s been truly inundated with massive amounts of testimonials and people saying how great this 97% win rate system is.

He’s developed this by going over years of sports data and trying out many different variables until he’s found a consistently high win rate, as you can see it’s not 100% perfect, if it was that would require him to be able to predict the future, but that’s highly unlikely, and it would have no credit. 97% is damn near close enough though, especially as it’s developed around statistical data. That means that this system is going to work for as long as the NBA and MLB are around. It’ll work now, it’ll work in 10 years, it’ll work forever.

So my best tip for you would have to be, Head over to Sports Betting Champ and see for yourself how this 97% Win Rate betting System works.

Heres the videos and testimonials---> Sports Betting Champ Testimonials

Heres the site---> Sports Betting Champ

MLB Sports Betting System

Betting on MLB games is seen as a bit of a laugh and fun by most people, which of course it is. There’s nothing quite like wagering a few dollars on your favorite team to win and maybe a few more with a group of your buddies in a pub. If you lose it, that’s no great loss, if you win, you get a nice bit of extra money to spend on whatever the hell you want!.

Since this is the generally mass idea adopted by people, a lot of people don’t know that there is a considerable amount of money to be made here, and they also wouldn’t usually take into account such things as player injuries, injuries from previous games that may impact the players’ and teams performance. They don’t take into account these things, so it’s usually just a blind bet.

All of the systems currently available don’t either, even some of the best. They don’t take into account these variables, because a lot of them aren’t statistically based.

John Morrison , a Cornell University Graduate with a PhD degree in statistics has spent 5 years of his life and untold, countless hours of work researching the sporting database in pursuit of developing a fool-proof sports betting system, taking into account all of the human variables and potential issues that will allow him to create an accurate forecast of results for Major League Baseball games and NBA ones to.

When you get this system and follow through his procedure, exactly as he tells you, you will pick up a invaluable skill set that a very select few know about. This will then allow you to look at all the MLB and National Basketball Association Games and develop a very accurate calculation as to where you should put your money.

You will have a solid guarantee that you’re going to profit if you follow his system exactly. Once you’ve found a game to match the criteria, you will know that this is a definite 97% chance of a win for you and a small fortune.

John Morrison is not at the top of click bank for no reason!

find out why here--> MLB Sports Betting System

Sports Betting Strategy

Sports Betting Strategy

Sports betting has risen from the seedy undergrowth of desperate bets, big gambles, and greedy bookmakers that will hunt you down if you can’t pay back the massive betting debts to an established way of making a living, enter the internet and Betfair.

With the ongoing growth of the internet and millions of people joining the broadband wagon every year, online trading has become available to everyone, a lot of traders on the financial markets don’t have to go to their local wall street anymore. They just fire up their computer and log on to the internet, maybe go to a site like capital spreads or IG index and start trading within the comfort of their home. No stressed phone calls or rushed predictions to grab that deal.

Likewise with Sports betting, with the introduction of Betfair and racing post online, people can make accurate predictions as to what horse or team they should back and if it doesn’t go quite as planned there’s many third party programs that are built around Bet fair and allow for people to trade their bet out to make a small profit or loss.

A lot of people trade for a living now with betfair since it introduced the ability to lay a horse, team, player, whatever. Laying is the same as selling in the Stock markets, if you think the price is going to drop, you sell!. If you think a horse or teams are going to lose you lay! And net the difference between the two.

There are many Sports betting systems out there which are very good and helpful in showing you the way to making real profits and maybe you can join the increasing amount of people, betting and trading for a living, eventually you’ll find one that suits you or combine many to become truly elite in this field.

Be aware of the ones that are scams though or aren't so good though. If you really are very serious about his and want a leg up on all the competition, check out this revolutionary statistically based betting system that will leave you speechless at how accurate it is:

Sports Betting Champ

NBA Sports Betting System

After much research and statistical analysis, John Morrison, a doctorate in statistical data and a betting professional, has come up with a truly unique, dynamic betting system that gives a constant 97% win rate.

John Morrison of and creator of the system currently makes over $12,000 a week betting on sports, His current 2007-08 as of 24th April is 79 wins-1 loss. His current Major League baseball standings are 5 wins-0 losses.

This 97% winning betting system could get you out of virtually any financial situation or troubles and develop you a small fortune in no time, even if you have no knowledge of sports or interest in the subject, all you have to know is that you must abide by a few rules. And look for matches/events that fit that criteria and you stand a 97% statistically accurate chance of winning.

This is NOT gambling, it is making a calculated bet which will bring you a profit. Think of it as a financial investment.After a few events under your belt and when you’re comfortable and confident that the system works for you, you can think about putting a little bit extra on each time.

What is truly incredible about this Sports Betting system and a huge benefit to everyone, is it only takes a few minutes choose each event, so if you dedicate an hour or so to this for a couple of days, you could be set for the week, even the month. Knowing you have money and this 97% winning system in your back pocket is brilliant.

Stick at it for a while and eventually you will be able to quit your job and have a full time living from this truly groundbreaking sports betting system.

Best of all is it can be done in the comfort of your own home!

Sports Betting Champ

Go Straight here now to read the full details:

John Morrison at has discovered a spectacular sports betting system that he has used to produce an astonishing 97% winning rate on all of his sport bets. For the first time ever, John has made his revolutionary sport betting system available to a limited number of individuals.
You can now gain access to the same betting system that has netted him over $475,000 over the years. Here’s a look at John’s incredible win-loss betting record since 2003:

NBA Basketball:

2003-04 season: 68 wins – 2 Losses
2004-05 season: 71 wins – 3 Losses
2005-06 season: 66 wins – 2 Losses
2007-08 season: 79 wins – 1 Loss

MLB Baseball:

2004 season: 48 wins – 0 Losses
2005 season: 55 wins – 3 Losses
2006 season: 52 wins – 1 Loss

2007 season: 67 wins – 3 Losses

That’s an accumulated record of 506 wins and 15 losses over the last several years of betting

John has now finally broken the silence on his ingenious sports betting system. Along with the red-hot system, John will also provide you with a lifetime of free picks, an unheard-of deposit bonus offer, a "No Ifs, Ands, or Buts Personal Guarantee" as well as a dose of other splendid incentives. Head on over to today to take a look at this limited time offer while it’s still available.

Sports Betting Champ
Sports Betting Champ Limited Time Extras

Sports Betting Champ Limited Time Bonuses

When you invest in John Morrisons NBA and MLB winning betting system you will also recieve his 63% wining Statistical NFL system free.To develop this comprehensive 63% winning blueprint for the National Football League, John has been scouring over, examining and exploring the data of NFL games for the past 50 years!.

You will gain incredible knowledge on how he developed incredible wealth on the National Football League games for every season with his behind-closed-door-secrets on football betting.

This system will be yours at no extra cost when you invest in John's NBA and MLB Betting Systems

Sports Betting Champ
Sports Betting Champ Limited Time Extras

Welcome, Sports Betting Champ

Here i will be discussing a revolutionary, groundbreaking betting system called Sports Betting Champ. It has taken John Morrison a good deal of time, and years to develop this 97% winning system, He truly is reaping the rewards now.

To develop this stunning sports betting system, John has scoured over years of statistical data, closely examining patterns and taking into account all sorts of human variables that could happen. This has led him to a great conclusion and high winning rate on the sports he loves, the nba and mlb.

Since he's been using this system he developed, it has allowed him to quit his job and accumulate over $425,000 dollars in winnings over the past 5 years. Since he's released it to the public, all his clients have found the same enlightenment and dream lifestyle as him, or are using it as a nice second source of income.

Go here now to get his free winning NFL system