Tuesday 29 April 2008

MLB Statistical betting system

I was thinking of making this a top tips post… well that has kind of fallen by the way side. I don’t know about you but I would rather be told exactly what to do and abide by a few rules to make an accurate bet on a team that is going to win or lose.

How does a statistically proven 97% win rate sound to you? Is that good or would you rather ignore this?

In my right mind I certainly wouldn’t as a lot of people are making good money with this, they have even put videos on YouTube to show how pleased they are with it. In fact so many videos from people that have got this system, the creator, John Morrison, has had to create a special page for all of them since he’s been truly inundated with massive amounts of testimonials and people saying how great this 97% win rate system is.

He’s developed this by going over years of sports data and trying out many different variables until he’s found a consistently high win rate, as you can see it’s not 100% perfect, if it was that would require him to be able to predict the future, but that’s highly unlikely, and it would have no credit. 97% is damn near close enough though, especially as it’s developed around statistical data. That means that this system is going to work for as long as the NBA and MLB are around. It’ll work now, it’ll work in 10 years, it’ll work forever.

So my best tip for you would have to be, Head over to Sports Betting Champ and see for yourself how this 97% Win Rate betting System works.

Heres the videos and testimonials---> Sports Betting Champ Testimonials

Heres the site---> Sports Betting Champ

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