Wednesday 7 May 2008

97% Winning System for NBA and MLB games, Betting is Now Investing

After much research and statistical analysis, John Morrison, a doctorate in statistical data and a betting professional, has come up with a truly unique, dynamic betting system that gives a constant 97% win rate. John Morrison, creator of the system currently makes over $12,000 a week betting on sports, His current 2007-08 as of 24th April is 79 wins-1 loss. His current Major League baseball standings are 5 wins-0 losses.

John Morrison, creator of the Sports Betting Champ system currently makes over$12,000 a week betting on sports. He has been developing it covertly over an incredibly long time, a good part of his life. Since Sports and betting has always been a passion of his, this hasn't been the chore it may sound like to you and me.

He originally didn't intend for it to be so successful that the average punter could use it. What he has now finally developed is a new, very helpful and successful betting system that anyone could essentially use. He's made betting into an alternative form of financial investing.

Many people have stumbled across this and found it incredibly hard to believe and get there head around, since nearly everyone has been bought up with the understanding that betting is gambling and gambling is bad. This is mostly true and found out by most people when they might make the occasional bet to only find they've lost what they put on. The reverse side of that would be a lot of people have put a little money on a sports event to find out that they win big, once they win once, they think they can win every other time, giving into their greed and putting even more money on , to eventually find nothing is left. In these instances it would be UNCALCULATED, UNEDUCATED, RECKLESS and downright STUPID. This is Gambling. BETTING is NOT gambling unless your one of the people that are reckless with it.

Another thing people miss or fail to pay attention to is the word SYSTEM. A system is a series of processes that must be followed to get a RESULT, if this system isn't followed diligently or responsibly, that would be gambling. Failure to follow a system properly and literally unless stated otherwise will result in an undesired result.

The only other thing you have to keep in mind is a bet is a thought or prediction on the way something is going to go. It is not and never will be a guarantee of the end result, unless you can pull results of a sports event, from the future, you are not always going to win every single bet you place. This is where emotion comes into play. You must understand, accept and acknowledge this. You will not win every time

Sports Betting Champ is NOT gambling, it is making a bet as of a result of a system which will bring you a profit. Sports Betting Champ is a system that has very strict guidelines to follow for each event. In my time using this betting system I have found a limitless number of NBA and MLB events that come very close to meeting the criteria set, but aren't exactly spot on, maybe one thing out. I've played around with small amounts on some of these events. Nearly every time I have lost. This happens when you fail to follow the system exactly.

This is where the statistical research of the system comes in to play, and for all you mathematical geniuses out there, you fall in love with the system. John Morrison has developed this on many years of results, numbers and patterns. This creates mathematical constants that states your 97% win rate. You take one of these constants out of the equation. The whole thing falls apart and you break the 97%win rate to 0%, it turns into a wild bet then. Just like any great equation, you take one part out it all falls apart.

The thing that probably stands out to you in the article title is probably, betting is now investing, I say this because taking everything mentioned in this article into account will make your bets, decisions, and the money you put on a confident investment, because you know you will profit from it, not just get lucky and win a bet.

Find out more here- Sports Betting Champ site

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