Sunday 11 May 2008

"Sports Betting Stats Systems"

Sports Betting Stats Systems
making accurate Bets on sports can involve alot of in depth research. The best way to go about it though is looking at the stats of all the teams and players,for those that want to make a good bit of money, smartly and statisically betting on
sports, listen up.

A players statistics involve the players downfalls, strenghts, how they've performed in this season so far and previous seasons from a few years back. When looking at the stats to make a good calculated bet you really have to watch out for newbies. When a player is new to either a professional, or college league or series. There stats should indicate this. It is very hard to make accurate predictions from there. This will have a big impact on the rest of the team so watch out for that.

If the team has some bad players, theres a good chance this will have a knock on effect to the rest of the team, even if there is a few elite players in the team. This is heavily dependant on the spread of the game. The spread is the number of points a team has to score from the predicted score of the game. the most common spread is usually ten or fifteen points. If the person that bet on them is within the spread, but the team loses, they will not win any money, but they also won't have made a huge loss either. When doing your research bare in mind that the stats are very influential when it comes down to the way the game is going to go. Don't fall in to the trap of seeing a team that has several great players and a very narrow spread. This really is a 50/50 chance of winning. However, should the team do better than a spread they will not lose money, but they will not win any either.

If your considering doing statistical research, it would help if your in to the game, because it can be a very tedious and very hard to do, it would help if your pretty good with numbers aswell. It is a good way to make some decent money and
very rewarding when you succeed.

Revolutionary Statistically based Sports Betting System here------->Sports Betting Champ

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