Monday 12 May 2008

"Calculating Sports betting probabilities"-Sports Betting Probabilities explained

Betting on sports to win and profit is everyone’s objective at the end of the day when putting their hard-earned money down on a team, player or sports series in general. Calculating Sports betting probabilities yourself is possible and profitable; you just have to be prepared to put the effort in to reap the rewards.

Odds show the implied probabilities, an indicative way a game is going to go, or the chance a team or player is going to win. No matter how you interpret it the odds are the same internationally you just need to know the conversions. Odds of 6/1 are the same as us odds of +600. Internationally this is seen as a decimal of 7.00. If your using betting software or a betting bot the chances are this will be in decimal format.

When calculating sports betting probabilities you need to remember that the odds are heavily based on the team statistics, results from previous games and individual players. If a first rate team is going up against a lower ranked team, the odds are going to be heavy on the first rate team since they are expecting them to win.

Since they are only figures you will also need to keep in mind things such as the weather, where they are playing, who’s on top form, previous performances on that pitch and how they’ve done against that team in the past. The figures give you a good heads up of the way it’s going to go.

Using the figures as a guideline, you should then figure out for yourself which way the game is going to go. If you think Team A have a good chance of winning and the bookies and betting exchanges don’t it’s worth staking a small amount on that team because the odds will be high. This is a far smarter move than putting a big amount of money on a team that is favored by all the bookies and exchanges at really low odds. Both will have a similar profit margin, but putting a small amount on higher odds will mean a smaller liability should it go wrong.

A Ground Breaking System to back this up-------> Sports Betting Champ

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