Wednesday 14 May 2008

"NBA Betting Formulas"-Is There a Difference Between a NBA Sports Betting Formula or Betting System

I had a close friends recently tell me about Sports Betting Formulas, and I was there like, you mean systems right?...he was intent on it being a formula. So I Just left it to him to explain it to me, and in my mind I was like he really means he’s found a betting system.

Then it just dawned on me that quite a few Sports betting systems I have looked at are based on theories, numbers and statistics then put together as a “system” for us. What they have done is bypass all the mathematics involved and made it idiot proof formula for the customers to use. This way the customers happy and the creator of the system is happy because he gets to keep the money he’s made from selling his system. The world is all good.

Since it’s put together as a system for us, the public, all the numbers and equations are hidden behind words and explanations, half time it doesn’t cross our mind that what we are interpreting and apply to our sports bets’ is really a formula when you summarise it. It’s often something like this:

Do this > look for this > do that > if it’s all good = expected result

So however you look at it and think about it, at the end of the day it’s the same thing, just two different ways of interpreting it, two very different ways at that. For the smarter among us- fairplay to you, you will understand the numbers and funky symbols better than the rest of us. But I have to say, thank god for systems.

NBA and mlb betting system

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