Monday 5 May 2008

Sports Betting Champ Review part 2, results and verdict

Sports Betting Champ Review part 2, results and verdict

You will actually be getting three statistically researched betting systems with sports betting champ. These are a National Basketball Association system, a Major League Baseball System and a National Football League betting system. You’re best to stick with the NBA and MLB system though since the NFL system is in his words only a 63% winning chance. It might be fun to have an edge over all your mates with the NFL system but that’s about it. I have yet to try the NFL one myself.

Now what you probably all want to hear, the results! This is the absolute beauty of this system. As I was initially very cautious about it I paper traded then started with a small bank of $60. I’ve been putting on small bets of about $5-$10, occasionally $20. I’ve kept it square numbers so I can have an accurate look at results after a few more months. I’ve done 18 games, all have won so far, I’ve been doing mostly 5’s and I’m up to $263 in my sports book account.

I work at home, for myself anyway, doing marketing and some web design, but with a consistent win rate like this I might really do this full time, with larger amounts as its less time consuming and more rewarding, it really has opened up a significant second income. If you were to start using this now, doing what I’ve done with small amounts, you will see the potential and hand in your resignation before you know it. I cannot stress how powerful this system really is, Thank you John Morrison and visit the site

Sports Betting Champ---> Click Here

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